Formation of Stars
Hello friends,
You might have seen a night sky with beautiful shiny objects known as stars.
They look beautiful, but have you ever thought that how they are formed and how much it takes to form them.
Today in this blog I will tell that how are they formed.
You might have seen a night sky with beautiful shiny objects known as stars.
They look beautiful, but have you ever thought that how they are formed and how much it takes to form them.
Today in this blog I will tell that how are they formed.
Starting material (stellar nurseries)
Stellar Nurseries
(Vast molecular cloud)
Image source:Wikipedia
Stellar Nurseries also known as Vast Molecular Clouds are the starting material for a star to form.
They have a large amount of stellar dust and almost 70% of hydrogen and some helium and other materials.
These are called Molecular cloud because most of the hydrogen is in the form of molecules eg. H2.
These clouds collapse due to any type of gravitational disturbance caused due to a nearby supernova explosion.
This lead the particles to come together and form the cores.
As they are denser they have gravity which pulls more matter toward itself and gradually increasing its mass and gravity.
Once the gravity reaches a limit it forms a protostar. A protostar is still sucking matter from the parent cloud.
A protostar
Image source:Extrasolar Origin
The matter rotate around the core with a high speed which increase the temperature. These matters reach the core and increase the mass. As the mass increases it becomes larger and hotter.
At a time the infall of matter is stopped because of internal heat and radiation.
These materials cover the star and dont let heat to go out of the core and make it more and more hotter.
Once the core reaches a certain tempetature, the nuclear fusion start, the hydrogen atoms combine with another hydrogen atom to make helium and rekease too much energy.
When the fusion start it bring matter on the surface of star and it also releases energy.
Once the core reaches a certain thousand degree, a powerful stellar wind blows which makes the disc go on the stellar surface of the star and the star is visible as it release energy from the disc also.
After few million years, its mass increase and it becomes a true star.
A star
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